We realize that your order is important, so we make every effort to ship your merchandise in a timely and efficient manner. You can assist us by making sure that your order is complete and that all information is accurate. If you have questions about your order, please feel free to send an email to [email protected].
You may also call us, +91-79-4024 2800.
Shipping and Handling Information
All orders for in stock product will be shipped in the order we receive. We attempt to ship within 7 business days (business days do not include weekends or holidays).
All orders are shipped via Cargo/Transport/Bus Service and will normally arrive between five and seven business days after shipment. Some items, because of weight and size, may require additional shipping charges and may take longer to arrive. Our shipping rate chart is an average; we will notify you if there is a difference in your shipping charges prior to shipping.
International Orders
Please call or email [email protected] for shipping information. All international orders must have the following documents, at a minimum:
- Purchase Order Copy
- Payment Swift Transfer Bank Advice
- Dispatch Instruction on Letter Head indicating nearest Sea Port details