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Threading Machines
Threading Machines

Hydraulic Thread And Form Rolling Machine

Hydraulic Thread And Form Rolling Machine

Model No

  • TR-25
  • TR-30
  • TR-40
  • TR-50
  • TR-80
  • TR-190
  • TR-120

Technical Specifications

Model TR-25 TR-30 TR-40 TR-50 TR-80 TR-190 TR-120
Max. Pitch Can Be Rolled (in mm) 3 25 35 4 5 6 8
Max. Dia can be Rolled in Feed (in mm) 25 30 40 50 80 100 120
Max. Dia can be Rolled in Through Feed (in mm) 18 20 28 35 40 50 70
Max. Rolling Length in Feed (in mm) 80 100 100 150 150 150 70
Max. Rolling Length Through Feed Indefinite Indefinite Indefinite Indefinite Indefinite Indefinite Indefinite
Max. Outer Dia of Thread Rolls (in mm) 120 160 180 200 230 230 230
Spindle Dia (Bore Dia) (in mm) 40 54 54 54 69.85 76.20 76.20
Max. Width of Thread Rolls (in mm) 80 100 100 140 150 150 150
Max. Rolling Force (Tons) 8 Tons 10 Tons 12 Tons 15 Tons 24 Tons 30 Tons 40 Tons
Power For Roll Spindles 3 H.P. 3 H.P. 5 H.P. 7.5 H.P. 10 H.P. 12.5 H.P. 20 H.P.
1440rpm 1440rpm 1440rpm 1440rpm 1440rpm 1440rpm 1440rpm
Power For Hydraulic Pump 2 H.P./3 H.P. 2 H.P./3 H.P. 2 H.P./3 H.P. 3 H.P. 3 H.P./7.5 H.P. 5 H.P./7.5 H.P. 7.5 H.P.
960/1440 960/1440 960/1440 960/1440 960/1440 960/1440 960/1440
Power For Coolant Pump 0.1 H.P. 0.1 H.P. 0.1 H.P. 0.1 H.P. 0.1 H.P. 0.1 H.P. 0.1 H.P.
3000 RPM 3000 RPM 3000 RPM 3000 RPM 3000 RPM 3000 RPM 3000 RPM

*Specifications are subject to changed without prior notice.


  • Compact Design
  • Fabricated steel frame
  • Versatile for all type of works
  • Manual & Automatic cycles
  • Range of cycle times
  • Extended universal joint provides smooth operation for big angle of work piece
  • Over sized coolant tank for superior cooling effects
  • Low pressure hydraulic power pack to ensure to low heat & minimum maintenance
  • CT" type and accurately ground slide assures that jumping and vibration will not happen during rolling
  • Centralized lubrication of all important moving parts